Saturday, January 25, 2014

Zoukout baby~

The biggest event of the year.. well at least for me~
I've waited a full year for this day! 13 & 14 Dec 2013

Well if you don't know what Zoukout (click for more info~) is, it is actually a Dance Music Festival that happens every year at Sentosa. DJs from all over the world are invited to this event to spin~~ and we party out to their awesome mixes.

So this year, there were DJs like, Zedd, Afrojack, Dash Berlin, Krewella, Alesso, Example etc...
This year's line up of DJs was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. like really.
My favourite DJ Zedd was coming!! You could imagine the joy I had.. One of my dreams was just to hear him spin live and my only chance was to go to the US to do that.. and I when I heard that he was coming here for Zoukout, I was SO going no matter what.

So you would imagine that since its sort of kinda like a concert, the only thing that you need to get was tickets to Zoukout. But no.. hahaha! When my friends and I party we go all the way.. especially for Zoukout.
We booked a hotel room and even got new outfits just for that 2 days.. it was kinda like a huge event for us..
I think each of us spent around SGD$250? (well I kinda spent at least $300.. hotel wasn't cheap hahahaha)

We stayed at Festive hotel for 3 days and 2 nights think we paid about a 100plus each (can't really remember. sorry :x)
Had about 4-5 bottles of alcohol and mixers as well. We like to drink.. well drinking with friends is always fun. ^^

So I'll just let the photos speak first :D

Our Hotel room! ^^
If you're wondering why we picked Festive hotel, the room may only have one king sized bed and a single upper deck bed.
But the sofa was actually a pull out bed too, so we had more than enough place to sleep for 5 people.

DAY 1!
( photos taken by my new Note 3 and my friends iphone 5 )
WARNING: Photo spam ahead~

Day 1 grp photo ^^
(from left) Daren, Lexin, Shay, Phoebe, Jasper, Hazel

With Jasper and Hazel ^^ xoxo

With my bbg <3 nbsp="">
Jasper and Hazel 
The two SISTERS I love 

That's for the first day of photos ( in the hotel ).. we didn't take photos that night.. don't know why either haha (^v^)'
Anyway the first day ended at about 5 or 6am ? We didn't stay until it ended. 
Seeing how the first day was on a Friday and most of us had work and school earlier that day. By the time it was 3 am we were tired. Hahahaha
What was worse, was that tram service back to the hotel was unavailable...
So we had to walk all the way back to our hotel which was 2 stops away from the beach (XoX). I almost died hahaha was wayyy too tiring.

But I must say the first day was not bad.. (;

DAY 2!
Honestly speaking after a whole night of partying like mad and having so much fun jumping, screaming and dancing.
I woke up with total sleep deprivation just felt so tired the whole day didn't want to do anything else but sleep and lie on the bed and not move...
but of course time flew by reallll quick and my friends started arriving at the hotel room..
Soon enough it was time to party it up again!
PS: alil tip~ go early to get your wrist band so you don't have to queue for entry when you are tipsy.

What's a gathering with out photos right? (;

Hi to (from left), Lai Guan, Eunice, Jasper, Lynette and Daren
Warning: photo spam ahead.

With Eunice ^^

My bros 

Hi Pretty Shay ^^


Partying on the dance floor~  Group photo!


Visit my instagram : Cherishurself to view videos from day 2!

Well all in all, zoukout day 2 was one of the best nights of my life.. seriously.
The crowd was crazy but the music was so darn good!
It'll be a memory that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I'm already looking forward to the one this year! hahahaha!!

If you are in to partying and EDM/ house music..
give this year's Zoukout a shot.. you might enjoy it as much as I did.

-Cheris (:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Hi guys!
Happy new year!
I'll be blogging again real soon! School had been hectic so I couldn't update much. ):
But I'll be back! (;
Thanks for viewing my blog i'm gonna make it a habit to update more!
love you guys!! ^^
-Cheris (: